• ‘Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul’

    BKS Iyengar

  • 'Live in the moment, live in the breath'

    Amit Ray

  • 'Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible'

    Dalai Lama

  • "Between 'what I was' and 'what I will be' there is a vast space called NOW. it is your true home

    Jeff Foster (lifewithoutacentre)

An experienced yoga teacher offering yoga and hiking weekends and yoga classes either on a one-to-one basis or online on zoom. Yen is able to teach mixed ability groups and various styles including vinyasa, yin, restorative and yoga for sport.

Also providing holiday/illness cover for yoga teachers in the South Lakes area in Cumbria.

Yoga with Yen

Yoga with Yen Nab Cottage